Welcome to my newsletter

Hi folks!

As winter slowly edges towards spring, it’s the perfect time to make plans for your outdoors space, however large or small.

If I had to give one key recommendation for your garden this year, it would be to plant an ‘edimental’ - something beautiful you can also eat. The word (coined by the legendary ‘Extreme Salad Man’ Stephen Barstow) joins up ‘edible’ and ‘ornamental’ and is perhaps my favourite group of plants. Many are beautiful flowering plants which provide nectar for pollinators and habitat for other insects. Plus, every time you eat something from the garden saves a trip to the supermarket, thus easing the load on the planet too.

What will you grow - a weirdly striking everlasting kale? A tall slim ‘ballerina’ apple tree, perfect for the smallest of spaces? Or a swathe of the stunning edible Korean Aster (aka ‘Chwinamul’)?

I’m very happy to (finally!) launch my website and newsletter, and look forward to sharing our gardening journeys together.

Happy growing,
